Parting Thoughts

The Apostle Paul gives advice on how to make a lasting impression every time we meet, or part.  Find the Study Guide here: “Parting Thoughts” Study Guide

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Soul Sonar

Sonar helps ships know where they are and what trouble might lie ahead. Soul Sonar works the same way in us.  Find the Study Guide here: “Soul Sonar” Study Guide

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No Secret

God’s salvation is a mystery hidden in plain sight and a secret that is disclosed in Jesus.  Find the Study Guide here:“No Secret” Study Guide

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Hold On

Who is Jesus? Paul schools the Colossians in the fundamentals. Find the Study Guide here: “Hold On” Study Guide

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Laity Sunday

How has your faith changed the way you live? Hear two testimonies from Laity Sunday!  Find the Study Guide here: “The New Creation” Study Guide

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On Jesus’ Right

The disciples want to know how they can get on Jesus’ right hand. We all should.  Find the Study Guide here: “On Jesus’ Right” Study Guide

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Greater Love

Grasping the gravity of our sin can lead us to understanding the greatness of God’s grace.  Find the Study Guide here: “Greater Love” Study Guide

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Real Life

Jesus has tough words that point people to God’s great love and real life.   Find the Study Guide here: “Real Life” Study Guide

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Family is Everything

When we make Jesus’ family everything, we bring the best of everything into our natural families.  Find the Study Guide here: Family is Everything Study Guide

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Mission Creep

Denominations are born out of principled differences. But can Christians reach across those lines for the sake of The Mission? Find the Study Guide here: “Mission Creep” Study Guide

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