Monday Bible Study
Monday Bible Study
Our Monday Bible Study is held Via Zoom every week for one hour, beginning at 10:00 AM. Join Ms. Whitney and the group as they join together in fellowship and study of the book of Mark!
Monthly Book Club
On the last Monday of every month, in lieu of traditional bible study, our group discusses a book of the month in a book club-style format, at 10:00 AM. The book discusses Christian themes and allows our group to discuss how God's Word can be found in every area of our lives; not least of which in what we read!
Join Us!
Both our weekly bible study and our book club can be accessed through the following Zoom information:
Topic: Weekly Bible Study/Monthly Book Club
Time: Every Monday, 10:00 AM PST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 1228 0246
Passcode: 320720