Pastor Jon Gentry

Pastor Jon is excited to be serving the vibrant community of Magnolia Park. Originally from South Carolina, he moved to California in 2008 to pursue graduate studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. It was in Pasadena that he met his wife, Cordy, at a restaurant where they were hired just a...

Patrick Senense

Patrick has always grown up knowing that a church can be so much more than a building. Growing up in Virginia Beach, Virginia, He was a member of Courthouse Community United Methodist Church and was part of the worship band and a Youth Leader. His church community allowed him to...

Whitney Gibbs

Ms. Whitney Gibbs has proudly served as the Children and Family Ministries Director at Magnolia Park United Methodist Church for more than two years. While completing her Master of Arts degree in Intelligence and Security Studies from the University of Leicester in 2017, Whitney felt strongly called to ministry by...