Manifest in the Flesh
Thomas is known as “The Doubter”. But was his desire to see, touch and experience the risen Jesus so wrong? Find the Study Guide here: “Manifest in the Flesh” Study Guide
Thomas is known as “The Doubter”. But was his desire to see, touch and experience the risen Jesus so wrong? Find the Study Guide here: “Manifest in the Flesh” Study Guide
There us a thread to the story of our lives with Jesus. We don’t want to lose it. Find the Study Guide here: “The Thread” Study Guide
A good leader might protect the lives of his people. What would a perfect leader do? Find the Study Guide here: “The Perfect Leader” Study Guide
Salvation is free. But it’s a limited time offer. Find the Study Guide here: “Limited Time Offer” Study Guide
How are we qualified to witness to the power of Jesus? Find the Study Guide here: “Qualified” Study Guide
Real change comes when we not only know about, but of, the Holy Spirit. Find the Study Guide here: “About and Of” Study Guide
Signs on the road to repentance are awakening, action and affirmation.
God is love, but what kind of love? The Gospel tells us and humbles us in the telling.
Jesus tells a story of a man, his vineyard, and the tenant farmers who reject his ownership. Is this a description of our culture today? Find the Study Guide here: “Gods Vineyard” Study Guide
God loves humility in us. How can we pursue humility and defeat pride? Find the Study Guide here: “Pursue Humility” Study Guide