Children’s Group
Children’s Group Our Children’s Group for K-5th graders meets at 7:00PM every Thursday for games, stories and more.
Children’s Group Our Children’s Group for K-5th graders meets at 7:00PM every Thursday for games, stories and more.
Youth Group Our Youth Group for 6th-12th graders meets from 5:30PM-7:00PM every Thursday for discussion and fellowship.
New Beginnings Bible Study Every Thursday at 7:00PM this group will continue Case For Christ class discussions. Discussions will center on the book, “Case For Christ.” All are welcome with books available for the class. Child Care will be provided.
Ted Switzer’s Bible Study Ted Switzer’s Sunday Morning Bible Study will meet every Sunday starting at 9:00AM in the Fireside Room. Join us for Adult Bible studies.
FIRST FRIDAY FAMILY NIGHT October 6th, 2017 This month we are showing the movie, “RATATOUILLE”. Doors open 5:30pm with food, crafts & fun. Movie starts at 6:15pm. Join Us, bring the family, invite your friends. Make our place your living room for one night.
Pastor Chris’ Bible Study Pastor Chris’ Tuesday Bible Study will meet every Tuesday from 10:00AM to 11:00AM in the Fireside Room. Join us for study and lively discussions.